*** Note: New Meeting Location ***
General Announcements
Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting and make general announcements.
When: Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 1:15 P.M.
Where: Bloomfield Township Public Library, 1099 Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Township, MI 48302
Meeting Room 2 (in basement). Ask at Front Desk.
Map to meetings at Bloomfield Township Library
Topic: iPhone Photography…AKA Phonography, Presented by Bill Buchanan, HonPSA, FGDC:
The iPhone or Smart Phone has revolutionized modern photography. Almost everybody has one. Learn how to take your smart phone to the next level and its full potential as a photographic tool and artistic expression. We may lament the disappearance of the Point and Shoot camera but today’s smart phones can do so much more.
Bill will demonstrate some of his popular photographic apps that he uses on a regular basis for all types of photography. Remember, the best camera you have may be the one you have in your pocket. Don’t sell it short.
G. William (Bill) Buchanan, HonPSA, FGDC has been involved with photography almost his entire life. His passion for teaching photography has been fostered by being chairman of the Photo Guild of Detroit’s Annual Photographic Seminar. Bill has presented many instructional programs in the Detroit area as well as at NECCC, SWMCC and PSA conferences. He has been a major supporter of the electronic capture photography both in his own club and the PSA. Bill served as the Chairman of the Electronic Imaging division. In 2012 at the San Francisco PSA International Conference he was awarded the Stanley B. Ashbrook, Jr. Memorial Award and the PSA Service Award for his contributions to digital photography and PSA. Bill was recently awarded as an honorary member, HonPSA, of the Photographic Society of America. PSA is a worldwide photographic organization.
Also: Questions and Answers following the presentation and during the social period before the SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during the social period.
When: Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Bloomfield Township Public Library, 1099 Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Township, MI 48302
Meeting Room 2 (in basement). Ask at Front Desk.
Map to meetings at Bloomfield Township Library
Topic: Full review of various Linux distros (pros and cons of each):
Our current SIG-Linux Chair Sharan Kalwani will give us a full review of various Linux distros. Linux is clearly one of the most successful and popular open source projects out there. Linux supporters passionately will convince you to give it a try and encourage you to embrace the Linux way.
The number #1 hurdle for all new Linux users is the 300+ “flavors” that this operating system has. These “flavors” are commonly known as distros (from distribution). So, how to choose one? You can choose the most popular at the moment, or take heed of what your friend says, but your friends’ recommendation might work for him/her, but not for you! Plenty of folks have made the wrong decision leading to a good number of disappointments with this operating system. And some public venting, which hurts the Linux movement. So one needs to choose the right distro for your needs.
So, unless you are a professional, you would be easily confused by the various flavors out there (which by the way is actually a super positive feature) but….however learning which one of the most frequently used distros, that is right for you, can consume an inordinate amount of time.
In this talk, Sharan will explore several distros so that our dues paying SEMCO supporter & SIG-Linux attendee, will not have to spend too much time web surfing, or twiddle their thumbs while the downloads are taking place, etc. Sharan hopes after this talk, you can choose the best distros for your long-term needs.
Linux offers us a wonderful open source alternative to proprietary software. In this talk: “Introducing Linux Distros” you can decide how to best make it work for you.
Who might benefit the most from this talk?
Newcomers to the Linux world who have to deal with the mind bendingly large number of choices/distributions.
• (We could also spend the rest of the year going thru each one and effectively scare everyone away)
When: Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 3:15 P.M.
Where: Bloomfield Township Public Library, 1099 Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Township, MI 48302
Meeting Room 2 (in basement). Ask at Front Desk.
Map to meetings at Bloomfield Township Library
Free Wi-Fi available. Our thanks to Bloomfield Township Public Library, for providing our meeting space!