Sharan Kalwani
SEMCO President
SIG-Linux Chairperson
Sharan Kalwani – is a long time UNIX user and an enthusiastic trainer of many technologies including open source. He was one of the founding members of the Michigan!/usr/group ( way back in 1985-1986.
Sharan has expertise in many areas, but he is specially fond of High Performance Computing. He has worked in many domains such as:
Engineering, Biomedical research, University/Academic computing, US Government, Theoretical & Particle Physics, in fact everything
else except Wall Street type work.
Sharan’s earliest exposure to computing took place with punched cards, paper tape, assembly language and 8-bit gear with front panel switches. He is very active in many a technical user group, is a member of ACM, IEEE and USENIX.
He also runs a discussion group on LinkedIn: ‘Innovative uses of HPC’, his twitter handle is @skalwani.
Jeff Pynnonen
Vice President
Julie Comptois
Brian Brodsky
Brian is on the Board as Treasurer. He has served this position since 2013. He is also a member of the Internet Committee He first joined SEMCO in 1986. He was also SIG-Linux Chairman from 2013 – 2016. He served on the Audit Committee in 2012. In the past he has also served on SEMCO’s board as SIG-Programming Chairman and SIG-Internet Chairman. He also is a member of 3 Linux/BSD User groups, MUG, MDLUG and SEMIBUG.
Brian Brodsky has worked at TechniServe, Inc. for over 30 years. He has been involved in the conversion and development of many computer software systems. Brian is involved in the development of The Property Manager and Cemetery Manager systems. He has also helped with the development of Association Sites.
Brian has an Associates Degree in Data Processing – Business Programming from Oakland Community College. He also attended Wayne State University.
(248) 391-9125
Michael Rudas
SIG-Computing Chairman
Sikander Rashid
Board Member-at-Large
I have a background in Automotive engineering. I have been a longtime user of PCs from the main frame days, along with some programming experience. I have been a member of SEMCO for several years, and have been elected to the board this year.
Robert Clyne
Board Member-at-Large
Bob Clyne is a SEMCO Board Member-at-Large and the SEMCO APCUG Representative. He was SEMCO President from 1987 through 1988 and from 1990 through 1996. He has also been Publications Committee Chairman, Internet Committee Chairman, and DATA BUS interim editor and has held several other positions in SEMCO.
Bob joined SEMCO in 1979 at which time he was using a North Star Horizon computer, which he built from a kit. It was running an operating system named CP/M. The North Star Horizon used a Z-80 processor and the S-100 bus.
He was raised in Yale, Michigan and later graduated from Culver Military Academy in Culver, Indiana where he was a member of the Culver Black Horse Troop. He worked as an Investigator for Pinkertons for two years and later worked in various capacities for Detroit Edison until his retirement in 1993. After his retirement he moved back to Yale.

Richard Jackson
SIG-Programming Chairman
Richard has been a SEMCO member since 1976 when the organization was formed. He has been an active member serving the organization in a variety of capacities. He started the New Users Forum now known as the Novice Group. He was vice president previously in 1990s and has made presentations at SEMCO meetings.
He has been in the data processing and computer fields since 1967 when he started working on IBM punch card equipment when he started working for National Bank of Detroit (now Bank One). He started working as a mainframe computer operator in 1970 and has been in the field ever since.
His interest started in 1975 when Popular Electronics published an article about building your own computer from a kit. His interest was further developed in Wayne Recreational Computer Org., a student group at Wayne State University. He has owned Timex Sinclair, Commodore, and PC compatible computers.
(248) 546-3694