June 11, 2017 – SIG-Computing: Illuminating the Dark Web, SIG-Linux: Group Discussion on Net Neutrality

General Announcements

Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting and make general announcements.
When: Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Topic: Illuminating the Dark Web   By Scot Putney:

Many have heard of the “dark web” and perhaps even have wondered about it. Of course there are the trade rags
which most likely describe it in lurid terms, but often without proper context.
Go beyond the buzzwords with this presentation that explains the strategic aspects of the dark web,
technologies and greater risks.

Scot has a solid background in proper computer security. He has spent 14+ years at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti
as a Senior Systems Engineer and Senior Security Analyst. He is very supportive of encouraging talent in the
computer security field, having served as the main judge and doing the scoring engine for the Midwest Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition.
He has also appeared on radio: W.R.I.F. 101.1 FM Morning Show as “The  Guru” every Friday for 3 years (the Drew and Mike Show).
In addition he has also appeared on National PBS Kids Show “Speaking up with Dr. Dunn” as an internet expert.

Also: Questions and Answers following the presentation and during the social period before the SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during the social period.
When: Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 1:45 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Topic: Group Discussion on Net Neutrality:

This will be a member discussion on the timely topic of Net Neutrality. A few ground rules will be explained at the meeting which everyone will be asked to follow. This will help us keep on topic with a lively but not overly contentious discussion.

When: Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 4:00 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available. Our thanks to Altair Engineering, Inc. for providing our meeting space!

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