Thank you for those that attended during our bad weather today! Great turnout and discussion!
Thank you to Gene Barlow for presenting backup and partitioning to us, and offering discounts on Acronis products to SEMCO members!
Richard Jackson linked this very disturbing article about the poor state of security products in the marketplace and ease of penetrations:
A couple members have experienced the recently reported new Windows 10 WiFi problem in the Anniversary Edition. Connection just cuts out. If it happens to you before the expected patch (which may come Tuesday 13-Dec-2016!) search for cmd.exe, right click it, choose Run As Administrator, and run this command: ipconfig /renew
This is not a permanent fix 🙁
The holidays are a great time to remind family and friends to practice safe computing practices: Install an ad blocker and selectively use it, use a password wallet, and regularly back up important information.
Windows 10 Dedicated Session in February 2017
Sharan Kalwani is organizing a Windows 10 Dedicated Session for SEMCO Members. Sharan has an exciting program in development!
Please provide feedback to Sharan and the SEMCO Board:
Have a wonderful holiday season,