March 13, 2016 – SIG-Computing: PowerShell, SIG-Linux: GnuCash

General Announcements

Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting and make general announcements.

When: Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering


Topic: PowerShell:

James Fortune will discuss the powerful PowerShell scripting language that is built into Windows. James will start by talking about software security concerns associated with PowerShell. Then he will explain what PowerShell is and talk about some things that PowerShell can do on a server or on a local computer. He will explain what PowerShell Remoting is and give examples of:

  • How PowerShell Remoting can be used to ease database administration.
  • Obtaining various kinds of information from your computer.
  • How PowerShell can be used to secure directories containing a certain string automatically.
  • How to prevent corrupted database files from being backed up.
  • How to set up a daily revolving backup system.
  • How to set up a weekly revolving backup system.

James will then cover how PowerShell can be used as an early virus detection tool for brand-new viruses. If time permits he will cover how PowerShell can assist in placing cleaned computers back on a network, creating a pre-installation environment, desired State Configuration, and new features in PowerShell 5.0.

James Fortune is a managing member of Golden Products and Services, LLC. He has written custom software for multiple Aerospace Tooling companies, including software utilizing Microsoft SQL Server.

Also: Questions and Answers following the presentation and during the social period before the SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during the social period.
When: Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 1:45 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering


Topic: GnuCash:

SIG-Linux Chairman Brian Brodsky will demonstrate some of the features of GnuCash. GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.

Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.

All are welcome.

When: Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 4:00 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering
Free Wi-Fi available.

SIG-Computing News from 14-Feb-2016 meeting

SEMCO Members:  you should have received your account information via email.  If not, please see an officer.  Thank you!

APCUG Virtual Technology Conference is next weekend!

Debian 6 LTS maintenance ends 29-Feb-2016!  If you are using a Linux distribution based on it, please check their web site for updates.  No more security patches as of the end of the month!

Penguicon is coming up April 29-May 1, 2016.  Registration ends April 1, 2016!

Interested in learning more about BSD / Unix?  Semibug meets at Altair Tuesday 16-Feb-2016 at 7PM (recommend arriving around 6:30PM).

Visit The Internet Archive to re-live the Windows 3.1 days 🙂

Linux Mint 17.3 Long Term Support released thru 2019!

Microsoft releases new Windows 10 ring “Release Preview” – previews production branch of Windows 10, not the development releases.  Good choice if you need high stability but want to test upcoming general builds a few days before they go to everyone

AT&T and Verizon have both announced “5G” wireless testing is underway.  New devices may appear in 2017, 10-100X faster than current LTE!  Battery life?  Dunno yet!

February, 14 2016 – SIG-Computing: Effective Presentations using LibreOffice Impress, SIG-Linux: calibre

General Announcements

Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting and make general announcements.

When: Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Impress Icon

Topic: Effective Presentations using LibreOffice Impress:

Kevin O’Brien will present Effective Presentations using LibreOffice Impress. Presentations are very common, and bad ones even more so, which has given rise to the term “Death by PowerPoint.” But done well they can be very helpful in communicating ideas. Kevin will discuss how to do that using LibreOffice Impress, the free, open-source presentation software. And along the way he will give some tips and tricks to get the most out of the software.

Kevin O’Brien is a Project Manager for Ford, and a LibreOffice fan. He is recording a series of tutorials on LibreOffice for Hacker Public Radio, and has presented on this topic at Ohio LinuxFest, Penguicon, Indiana LinuxFest, and local Linux user groups. He always prefers to use free software.

Also: Questions and Answers following presentation and during social time before SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during social time.
When: Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 1:45 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Calibre logo

Topic: calibre:

SIG-Linux Chairman Brian Brodsky will demonstrate some of the features of calibre.  calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books. It has a cornucopia of features divided into the following main categories:

  • Library Management
  • E-book conversion
  • Syncing to e-book reader devices
  • Downloading news from the web and converting it into e-book form
  • Comprehensive e-book viewer
  • Content server for online access to your book collection
  • E-book editor for the major e-book formats

All are welcome.

When: Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 4:00 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available.

SIG-Computing notes 10-Jan-2016, File Organization and The Cloud

The meeting notes from today’s meeting are at:

SEMCO News and File Organization 10-Jan-2016

It was a great discussion today, thank you!

Some other points mentioned during the meeting:

Possible free access to Google Apps via SEMCO’s 501c(3) status.  I’ll email the SEMCO Board about this.

Consider SyncThing as well if you are looking at setting up a personal or family cloud – please be aware you will have to do your own backup and redundancy if you set up one of these, the same as BTSync and OwnCloud.

For the example of the Windows 10 install that was going to the wrong drive, it was suggested during the meeting to try TestDisk (downloads site: as it can temporarily disable partitions.  PLEASE RUN A BACKUP BEFORE DOING THIS.

Happy New Year, and thank you for the great meeting!

January, 10 2016 – SIG-Computing: File Organization and The Cloud, SIG-Linux: Election and Z shell

General Announcements

Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting with the election process and general announcements.

When: Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering


Topic: File Organization and The Cloud, PowerShell Quickie

SIG-Computing Chairman Jeff Marraccini will present File Organization and The Cloud, and PowerShell Quickie. Picked up a lot of pictures, movies, and family items you plan to scan and save for posterity during the holidays? Jeff will cover file organization in the current era, including a quick overview of private (BTSync, OwnCloud, etc.) and public cloud services. The objectives will include keeping organized, archival copies, and selective sharing with family and friends, without using social media sites!

Afterwards we will take a very brief look at PowerShell, Microsoft’s preference for automating tasks in Windows and Windows Server. An overview of resources to make the most of PowerShell will be presented and you will have copies of all the links. Learning PowerShell is a great New Year’s goal as it is a huge improvement over batch files!

Also: Questions and Answers following presentation and during social time before SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during social time.
When: Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 1:45 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering


Topic: Election and Z shell:

Before the presentation, the group will hold its annual election for chairman. Afterwards current SIG-Linux Chairman Brian Brodsky will demonstrate some of the features of zsh. Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language. Many of the useful features of bash, ksh, and tcsh were incorporated into zsh; many original features were added. All are welcome.

When: Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 4:00 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available.

August 9, 2015 – SIG-Computing: Microsoft Windows 10, SIG-Linux: Bombono DVD


Topic: Microsoft Windows 10:

SIG-Computing Chairman Jeff Marraccini will discuss Microsoft’s Windows 10 and demonstrate the Windows 10 release as of our meeting date. Windows 10 will be available for download on or shortly after July 29, 2015. SEMCO Members and guests will have an opportunity to see Windows 10 in action and to discuss the pre-upgrade backup process, when, and how to upgrade. We will also discuss when it is best to just backup files and start over, particularly if you would like to jump from a hard drive to a solid state disk (SSD) at the time of the upgrade.

Microsoft is providing the Windows 10 upgrade for free for most users for the first year, as long as you have a valid Windows 7 or higher license!

Jeff has been with Altair Engineering for 18 years in various IT roles. He currently manages a world-wide team taking care of computing, network, and related services for 2,300 staff across more than 40 sites. His team manages many computing clusters based on Linux distributions and Windows Server along with several storage back-ends. Jeff resides in Troy, Michigan and his LinkedIn site is

Also: Questions and Answers.
When: Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering


Topic: Bombono DVD:

SIG-Linux Chairman Brian Brodsky will lead a presentation on Bombono DVD. Bombono DVD is a free open-source DVD authoring program. It is easy to use and has a nice clean GUI (Gtk). All are welcome.

When: Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 4:00 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available.

July 12, 2015 – Drones, SIG-Linux: Kdenlive


Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Topic: Drones

Harry C. Arnold will speak on drones and the technology surrounding them, how much do they cost, what you can do with them, are they legal, and more.

Harry Arnold is the Detroit Drone User Group MeetUp group Organizer. He is the owner of Detroit Drone a company that offers affordable aerial photography. The company web site is

Also: Questions and Answers.
When: Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Topic: Kdenlive:

SIG-Linux Chairman Brian Brodsky will lead a presentation on Kdenlive. Kdenlive is a free and open-source video editor for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. All are welcome.

When: Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 4:00 P.M.
Where: Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available.