May 20, 2017 – SIG-Programming: Python


Topic: Python:

We are learning Python using the book “Learning Python” by Mark Lutz. It is an O’Reilly book, but can also be purchased at Amazon

We are to read Chapter 28, “A More Realistic Example” for the next meeting. If you have any questions contact Richard Jackson (see below). All are welcome to come.

Where: Richard Jackson’s home. Call Richard Jackson at 248-546-3694 for directions.

When: Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 2:00 P.M.

May 14, 2017 – File Management In the Terabyte Age / Part 1: File Managers

General Announcements

Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting and make general announcements.
When: Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Topic: File Management In the Terabyte Age / Part 1: File Managers

SEMCO member Michael Rudas will be our presenter. Any craftsman will tell you that the right tool for the job is important—a wrench can drive nails, but a hammer works better. So it is with file management.

This presentation will discuss how the right file managers can make it easier to organize and manipulate your data, including dealing with compressed archives. Both Windows and Linux will be discussed, including ways in which Linux can make your life easier if you are a Windows user.

Also: Questions and Answers following the presentation and during the social period before the SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during the social period.
When: Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 1:45 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Has Been Cancelled

SIG-Linux has been Cancelled. Due to circumstances that day, Sharan Kalwani will be unable to attend. The member discussion on Net Neutrality will be rescheduled.

Free Wi-Fi available. Our thanks to Altair Engineering, Inc. for providing our meeting space!

April 15, 2017 – SIG-Programming: Python


Topic: Python:

We are learning Python using the book “Learning Python” by Mark Lutz. It is an O’Reilly book, but can also be purchased at Amazon

We are to read Chapter 27, “Class Coding Basics” for the next meeting. If you have any questions contact Richard Jackson (see below). All are welcome to come.

Where: Richard Jackson’s home. Call Richard Jackson at 248-546-3694 for directions.

When: Saturday, April 15, 2017 at 2:00 P.M.

April 9, 2017 – SIG-Computing: Intro to Manufacturing Robotics, SIG-Linux: Linux Monitoring Landscape

General Announcements

Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting and make general announcements.
When: Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Topic: Intro to Manufacturing Robotics

Brad Triden and Nathan Barhorst will be our presenters. Robotics is a broad term describing a machine that carries out a complex sequence of tasks.  In this discussion, we will cover some of the modern day applications of robots in general, and discuss specifically on how robots are utilized in the manufacturing world.  We will also discuss some of the emerging robotic technologies that are becoming more common place in the industry such as safety systems, vision, and autonomous vehicles.

Brad and Nathan each have 17 years of industry experience working with robots and manufacturing software. They have worked on a diverse set of software applications ranging from PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers), robot systems, custom application software, to various other industrial computers/controllers. Today they work in the Research & Development division at DASSAULT SYSTEMES – DELMIA, who creates engineering software applications targeted at everyone in the manufacturing sector.

Also: Questions and Answers following the presentation and during the social period before the SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during the social period.
When: Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 1:45 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Linux Monitoring Landscape:

Our current SIG-Linux Chair Sharan Kalwani will share a bird eye view of various Linux (and UNIX) based monitoring tools and suites.
Surprisingly there are numerous tools out there, many open source, a few proprietary ones as well. Some of these will include: Xymon (formerly known as Big Brother), NAGIOS, Zabbix, ganglia, Munin, Monit  and a few others. Each tools itself can qualify for a demanding 4 to 6 hours worth of detailed examination, so we will limit ourselves to the outstanding features of each. There are both stand alone monitoring and distributed monitoring categories, so bring your seat belts.

At the same SIG-Linux meeting in April (beginning at 4:00 P.M.), attendees should bring a number of presentation ideas for future SIG-Linux discussions, demos and presentations – one particular topic the current SIG-Chair hopes to have is: “Various Linux Distros”. In May 2017, we hope to have an open and participatory discussion on: “Net Neutrality – pros and cons”, so reflect on this and bring your thoughts.

However SIG-Linux is driven by ideas *and participation* from the membership. So bring your suggestions ideas to the next meeting in April,
(or feel free to post them to the website discussion area), Email works too!

When: Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 4:00 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available. Our thanks to Altair Engineering, Inc. for providing our meeting space!

March 18, 2017 – SIG-Programming: Python


Topic: Python:

We are learning Python using the book “Learning Python” by Mark Lutz. It is an O’Reilly book, but can also be purchased at Amazon

We are to read Chapter 26, “OOP: The Big Picture” for the next meeting. If you have any questions contact Richard Jackson (see below). All are welcome to come.

Where: Richard Jackson’s home. Call Richard Jackson at 248-546-3694 for directions.

When: Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 2:00 P.M.

June 4, 2017 – Windows 10 Seminar Rescheduled (Must preregister)

Windows 10 Seminar (Must preregister):
See below for how to register.

In this seminar, you will learn how to set up your computer to enhance your work environment. Learn how to create tiles, icons and folders on the start screen and desktop. How to get apps from the store. Use display properties, put files where you need them and understand drives, folders and files, set up and install new programs, remove apps and programs you do not want, use Windows Help and much more.

This is a SEMCO members benefit! (You can join SEMCO for $30 at the event to participate). To register email your request to

When: Sunday, June 4, 2017 at 3:30 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available. Our thanks to Altair Engineering, Inc. for providing our meeting space!

March 12, 2017 – SIG-Computing: Identity Theft, Open Source Home Theater Software

General Announcements

Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting and make general announcements.
When: Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Topic: Identity Theft

Jaime Martinez (MCSD) will be our presenter. The presentation on Identity Theft, will discuss the different types of Identity Theft, how to make yourself less a target for it and what to do if you become a victim.

Mr. Martinez serves as a Reserve Deputy with the Macomb County Sheriff Department (MCSD) since 2011.  In his role with the Sheriff Department, he supports the MCSD Cyber Crimes unit supporting the full-time detectives in fighting Cyber Crime and provides technical consultations as needed.  He is employed in IT for over the last 20 years.  He is a part-time IT adjunct instructor since 2007 and has taught over 20 distinct courses at 3 different local colleges.

Also: Questions and Answers following the presentation and during the social period before the SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during the social period.
When: Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 1:45 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Kodi: Open Source Home Theater Software:

Our esteemed former SIG-Linux Chairman Brian Brodsky will continue his demonstration of Kodi concentrating on online content. From Kodi’s website: Kodi® (formerly known as XBMC™) is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media center for playing videos, music, pictures, games, and more. Kodi runs on Linux, OS X, Windows, iOS, and Android, featuring a 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the internet, he will also share how to edit music tags with an external program.

At the same SIG-Linux meeting in March (beginning at 4:00 P.M.), our new SIG Chairman Sharan Kalwani has a number of presentation ideas for SIG-Linux presentations – such as various Linux Distros, however he is looking for ideas from the membership. So bring your suggestions ideas to the next meeting on March 12th (or feel free to post them to the website discussion area), Email works too!

When: Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 4:00 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available. Our thanks to Altair Engineering, Inc. for providing our meeting space!

February 18, 2017 – SIG-Programming: Python


Topic: Python:

We are learning Python using the book “Learning Python” by Mark Lutz. It is an O’Reilly book, but can also be purchased at Amazon

We are to read Chapter 25, “Advanced Module Topics” for the next meeting. If you have any questions contact Richard Jackson (see below). All are welcome to come.

Where: Richard Jackson’s home. Call Richard Jackson at 248-546-3694 for directions.

When: Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 2:00 P.M.

February 12, 2017 – SIG-Computing: 2017: Securing your PC & Yourself – an update, Windows 10 Class (For those who have pre registered)

General Announcements

Mike Bader, president of SEMCO, will start the meeting and make general announcements.
When: Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 1:30 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Topic: 2017: Securing your PC & Yourself – an update:

SEMCO member Sharan Kalwani will be our presenter. He says…

“Despite the advances in computing technology, the average PC user remains vulnerable to all sorts of security threats.

“In this talk, I will try and give you a number of steps you can do to improve the security of your PC (and in the same process also boost your privacy), so that the Internet is a little bit less of the “Wild West” experience. Some of the new things I will also discuss are – Ransomware, privacy settings on web sites and social media forums (such as, general tools (and reliable resources) one can use to assist you.”

Sharan has been into computing since the days of ARPAnet. He is also an old hand at UNIX, and has worked in many different industries and geographical regions. He is also the Vice-Chair for the SE Michigan chapter of the IEEE-Computer Society and was recently elected to be the SEMCO SIG-LINUX chair for 2017. Googling his name surprisingly gives you 17,000 hits.

Also: Questions and Answers following the presentation and during the social period before the SIG-Linux meeting. Snacks available during the social period.
When: Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 1:45 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

No February Meeting
Kodi: Open Source Home Theater Software:

There is no SIG-Linux meeting for February 2017.

We will continue the SIG-Linux meetings from March 2017 onwards. In the March 12th meeting, our esteemed former SIG-Linux Chairman Brian Brodsky will continue his demonstration of Kodi concentrating on online content. From Kodi’s website: Kodi® (formerly known as XBMC™) is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media center for playing videos, music, pictures, games, and more. Kodi runs on Linux, OS X, Windows, iOS, and Android, featuring a 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the internet, he will also share how to edit music tags with an external program.

At the same SIG-Linux meeting in March (beginning at 4:00 P.M.), our new SIG Chairman Sharan Kalwani has a number of presentation ideas for SIG-Linux presentations – such as various Linux Distros, however he is looking for ideas from the membership. So bring your suggestions ideas to the next meeting on March 12th (or feel free to post them to the website discussion area), Email works too!

Windows 10 Seminar (For those who have pre registered):
This class is full. Those who wish, may register for the March 26, 2017 repeat version.

In this seminar, you will learn how to set up your computer to enhance your work environment. Learn how to create tiles, icons and folders on the start screen and desktop. How to get apps from the store. Use display properties, put files where you need them and understand drives, folders and files, set up and install new programs, remove apps and programs you do not want, use Windows Help and much more.

The February class is full. Those who wish, may register for the March 26, 2017 repeat session. This is a SEMCO members benefit! (You can join SEMCO for $30 at the event to participate). To register email your request to

When: Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 3:30 P.M.
Where: Altair Engineering, Inc., 1820 E. Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48083
Map to meetings at Altair Engineering

Free Wi-Fi available. Our thanks to Altair Engineering, Inc. for providing our meeting space!

January 21, 2017 – SIG-Programming: Python


Topic: Python:

We are learning Python using the book “Learning Python” by Mark Lutz. It is an O’Reilly book, but can also be purchased at Amazon

We are to continue reading Chapter 24, “Module Packages” for the next meeting. If you have any questions contact Richard Jackson (see below). All are welcome to come.

Where: Richard Jackson’s home. Call Richard Jackson at 248-546-3694 for directions.

When: Saturday, January 21, 2017 at 2:00 P.M.