Thank you to Richard Tapaninen from Micro Center for the great presentation today! Micro Center’s web site is and the local store is at 32800 Concord Drive, Madison Heights, MI 48071.
- Thank you for your patience with this meeting rescheduling! We had to change out a large UPS system last weekend due to a factory defect. Nearly 40,000 pounds of equipment had to be moved in two days.
- Latest Windows 10 Insider Preview build replaces Windows Command Prompt with PowerShell by default! Microsoft asks for feedback as some add-ins rely on cmd.exe’s syntax, but if this moves forward, those should change quickly to PowerShell syntax.
- Xamarin/Microsoft released first version of Visual Studio for Mac! Not full featured compared to Windows. Updated Visual Studio Code for Linux.
- Container-hosted SQL Server for Linux preview was released last week! Easy installation, and is fully compatible with Azure’s SQL Services. Great way to quickly install SQL Server and get familiar with it on any platform that can run Docker.
- New Apple MacBook Pro laptops are out – Micro Center has theirs already on display. Jeff skipping this generation J
- Several China-based Android device manufacturers have been exposed using insecure over-the-air update mechanisms.
Windows 10 Dedicated Session in January 2017?
Sharan Kalwani is organizing a Windows 10 Dedicated Session for SEMCO Members. Tentatively, this would happen in January 2017.
Interested? Any specifics you would like covered?
Please provide feedback to Sharan and the SEMCO Board: